Heterogeneity of chromosomal breakage levels in epithelial tissue of ataxia-telangiectasia homozygotes and heterozygotes

The objective of this study was to obtain an estimate of the frequency distribution of spontaneous chromosomal breakage occurring in vivo in oral epithelia of 20 ataxiatelangiectasia patients (A-T homozygotes) and 26 parents (A-T obligate heterozygotes). Samples of exfoliated cells were obtained from each individual by swabbing the oral cavity and preparing air-dried slides. The percentage of exfoliated cells with micronuclei (MEC frequency) was used as an in vivo indicator for the amount of chromosomal breakage occurring in the tissue. As a population group, MEC frequencies of the A-T patients differed significantly from controls (mean for A-T patients, 1.51; for controls, 0.29; PP0.5%, the 90th percentile for controls (compared with 16 of the 20 A-T patients examined). Of the A-T patients 11 had been previously assigned to complementation groups on the basis of sensitivity to x-irradiation. Seven of the patients belonged to group A and had MEC frequencies ranging from 0.3% to 1.9% with the remaining patients belonging to group C with MEC frequencies of 0.2% to 0.9%. The data presented in this paper suggest that although levels of spontaneous breakage in epithelial tissues of A-T patients and A-T obligate heterozygotes are often significantly elevated, this is not the case in all individuals.