〈qq¯〉and higher-dimensional-condensate contributions to the nonperturbative quark mass

Dimension-3, -4, and -5 condensate contributions to the quark propagator are evaluated in the presence of a nonzero current-quark mass (mL) explicitly breaking Lagrangian chiral symmetry through the use of an operator-product expansion (OPE) of appropriate nonperturbative vacuum expectation values in the fixed-point gauge. A gauge-parameter-independent shift away from the purely perturbative propagator pole at mL is seen to occur, provided the corrected pole is identified self-consistently with the OPE mass parameter, a mass which differs from mL by incorporating contributions from nonperturbative condensates. The results obtained are argued to be valid to all orders in the OPE, and are shown to encompass the entire O(gs2) contribution of nonperturbative condensates to the quark propagator. Phenomenological consequences at (and near) the mL=0 chiral limit are also discussed.