Folic acid treatment in males and females with fragile‐(X)‐syndrome

Ten males with the fragile X (fra(X)) syndrome were treated with folic acid (10 mg/day) for 4 months in a double‐blind design study. To eight heterozygotes with mental impairment and fra(X), folic acid was given for 4 months (10 mg/day) in an effortto study possible beneficial effects of folic acid. Psychological and cytogenetic testing were carried out during the trial. There was no improvement in concentration, fine motor co‐ordination, or comprehension in the adult male and female patients of the study. One patient showed improvement under a control medications. In the females, improvement was seen only in the youngest patient, a 5‐year‐old girl. Folate treatment does not seem to be effective in fra(X) adults, but may have some effect in children of both sexes with the disorder. Cytogenetic studies using peripheral lymphocytes showed that the fra(X) frequency decreased significantly (t = 0.00856; 1% level) only in cells cultured in a folic acidfree medium but not in cells cultured in a medium with added antifolate (methotraxate). This shows a “contamination effect” of folate‐free culture medium after oral folic acid treatment of these patients. The decrease of fra(X) involves primarily the early‐replicating X when culturing with folic acid‐free medium. A synergistic suppression effect of “external folate” and BrdU is the most likely explanation of this phenomenon.