Regulated expression of a chimeric histone gene introduced into mouse fibroblasts.

The regulated expression of a mouse histone gene was studied by DNA-mediated gene transfer. A chimeric H3 histone gene was constructed by fusing the 5' and 3' portions of two different mouse H3 histone genes. Transfection of the chimeric gene into mouse fibroblasts resulted in the production of chimeric mRNA at levels nearly equal to that of the total endogenous H3 histone mRNAs. Most chimeric RNA transcripts had correct 5' and 3' termini, and the chimeric mRNA was translated into an H3.1 protein that accumulated in the nucleus of the transfected cells. Expression of the chimeric gene was studied under several conditions in which the rate of transcription and the stability of endogenous H3 transcripts change. Chimeric mRNA levels were regulated in parallel with endogenous H3 mRNAs, suggesting that cis-acting regulatory sequences lie within or near individual histone genes. In addition to correctly initiated and terminated chimeric mRNA, we also detected a novel H3 transcript containing an additional 250 bases at the 3' end. Surprisingly, the longer transcript is polyadenylated and accumulates in the cytoplasm.