Effect of Overburden Pressure and the Nature and Microscopic Distribution of Fluids on Electrical Properties of Rock Samples

Summary: Laboratory equipment aimed at determining the exact correlation between resistivity and water saturation under stress, pressure, and temperature conditions is described in the first part of this paper. The porous-plate method adapted to reservoir conditions is used to obtain different saturation values during both drainage and imbibition. With this equipment, the influence of the effective stress on the porosity and formation resistivity factor can be studied before the test. In the second part of this paper, the values of the formation resistivity factor and resistivity index are compared for water-wet samples from sandstone and carbonate reservoirs. These measurements indicate that the influence of the effective stress depends on the nature of the rock sample. In addition, the resistivity/water-saturation law depends on the direction of the saturation change (drainage or imbibition) and on the nature of the fluids (water/oil or water/gas).