The purpose of the investigation described in this paper was to obtain information concerning the dynamic properties of rubber bonded to metal. Two properties of rubber were measured (a) the internal damping and (b) the dynamic modulus of elasticity. Two types of specimens were tested (a) rubber cylinders bonded to steel cylinders at the ends and stressed in compression and (b) specimens of rubber bonded to steel and stressed in shear. All specimens were of the same stock, 5140-V-4, manufactured by the U. S. Rubber Company. The hardness, as measured by the durometer, varied from 32 to 40. In the process of bonding to the steel, a 1/32-in. layer of 60-durometer stock was added adjacent to each piece of steel. This represents standard practice of the U. S. Rubber Company in bonding soft stock to metal. All specimens were cured for 30 min at 279 F.