Broadband ultrasound attenuation imaging: algorithm development and clinical assessment of a region growing technique

This paper presents a computerized method for the selection of an irregular region of interest (ROI) in broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) images. A region growing algorithm searches an initial region in the posterior part of the calcaneus until the pixel with the lowest attenuation value is found; this is the starting seed. Then, the algorithm evaluates the values of the eight pixels neighbouring the starting seed. Pixels that have the closest value to the starting seed are accepted. This procedure is the first processing level. The procedure is repeated for the group of pixels neighbouring those accepted from the previous processing level. The algorithm ceases when the number of accepted pixels reaches a user-specified number. The clinical part of this study compares measurements of BUA at an automatic ROI implemented on a quantitative ultrasound imaging device, defined as the circular region of lowest attenuation in the posterior part of the calcaneus, and at irregular ROIs of various sizes generated by the algorithm developed in this study. The algorithm was applied to BUA images obtained from 24 post-menopausal women with hip fractures and 26 age-matched healthy female subjects. The use of the irregular ROI with a size of 2400 pixels is proposed because that region yielded better clinical results compared to irregular ROIs with different size and the circular automatic ROI.