Observations of the unusual feeding behavior of Nausithoe punctata Kölliker and Linuche unguiculata (Schwartz) are presented. N. punctata captures small Zooplankton on its rigidly upward‐extended tentacles and then bends these down and inward, carrying prey to the mouth. L. unguiculata captures prey with its lappets. Prey is transported to the coelenteron by cilia in N. punctata and by muscular and ciliary activity in L. Unguiculata. N. punctata and L. unguiculata have the same reaction of lip flaring and manubrium bending toward proline and reduced glutathione. In the laboratory, both species eat copepods, other microcrusta‐ceans and larval fish, which are digested within two hours. On the basis of in situ photographs and functional morphology, it is likely that Atolla spp. and Periphylla periphylla (Péron and Lesueur) feed similarly to N. punctata. In these coronates, the coronal groove is important as a hinge to provide flexibility of the lappets when they fold inward during swimming and to contain prey during feeding.

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