Nitrate Transport intoChara corallinaCells using ClO3-as an Analogue for Nitrate

The effects of Cl and NO3- pretreatment on 36Clinflux and ClO3-/NO3- influx into Chara corallina cells were examined. Both treatments reduced 36Cl influx into C. corallina cells in the acid pH range (4.5–7.0). NO3- pretreatment stimulated /NO3- influx into C. corallina cells, but Cl pretreatment had no effect. There was a direct inhibitory effect of CI on ClO3-/NO3- influx into C. corallina cells, but no apparent effect on net NONO3- uptake. The time course of 36Cl accumulation into cytoplasmic and vacuolar compartments during incubation of the cells with ClO3- showed that significant radioactivity appeared in the vacuolar sap after 30 min. There was a linear increase in the percentage of total 36CI which crossed the tonoplast (φc-v). There was no effect of Cl or NO3- pretreatment on accumulation of radioactivity in the vacuole. Thin layer chromatography of the vacuolar sap showed that after 2 h only one component was present which had an RF which was similar to 36CI. The rate of accumulation of 36C1 in the vacuole could be used to estimate rates of ClO3- reduction.