Electromagnetic scale modelling for most conductors encountered in prospecting requires models of conductivity in the range 10‐1000 S/m. A polyester composite filled with aluminium fillers is used to design the required materials. The fillers are chosen with a high aspect ratio to achieve the desired conductivities without altering mechanical properties. The design process, consisting of a chemical reaction, is simple, repeatable and easy to realize in a geophysical laboratory.The conductivity of the designed material is estimated by an inductive method based upon the variation of the quality factor of a coil in which the samples are inserted. This method is much less influenced by the distribution and orientation of fillers in the resin matrix than a galvanic method.The conductivities obtained fill the major part of the interval 10‐1000 S/m without requiring unreasonable mixing ratios. The homogeneity of the material was tested and the anisotropy was low at high conductivities. The electrical properties do not vary with time in free air or when immersed in salt water.We propose standard curves giving conductivities of composites filled with aluminium fibres and flakes. A large cylindrical model of fixed resin‐to‐filler ratio was made to show the capability of the technique to produce models of useful size. Its measured conductivity agrees well with the expected conductivity from the established standard curves. A scale modelling experiment with the horizontal loop technique was carried out over a horizontal thin sheet made of the material, and again the conductivity obtained from the results agrees reasonably well with the expected value.The noted difference between the inductively and galvanically measured conductivities of the proposed material presently restricts the use of the technique to EM scale experiments for which the host rock is considered very resistive.