Beta-delayed proton decays ofP27andCl31: Gamow-Teller decays with largeQvalues

The beta-delayed proton emissions of the odd-Z, Tz=-(3/2) nuclei P27 and Cl31 have been studied. This work represents the first observation of the decay of P27, yielding a half-life of 260±80 ms, and completes the series of beta-delayed proton emitters with Tz=-(3/2) in the sd shell. Several new proton groups were attributed to the decay of Cl31; their half-lives are consistent with a previous observation. The estimated logft values of the observed transitions for both P27 and Cl31 are consistent with clustering of the beta strength above the isobaric analog states in the daughter nuclei as predicted by a complete (1s,0d)-space shell-model calculation. The observed half-lives are in good agreement with the shell-model predictions which include a quenching of the Gamow-Teller strength by a factor of 0.6, in accordance with earlier observations.