Ever since Cuba and Guatemala were colonized, their land has been measured in caballerias, one cabelleria being the minimum land grant made to a Spanish gentleman. Perhaps the "gentlemen" were greedier in Guatemala or the land less productive; at any rate, the Cuban caballeria measures slightly over 13 hectares [about 32 acres], whereas in Guatemala it is the rough equivalent of 54 hectares [130 acres]. The United Fruit Company (together with its subsidiary, the Compafiia Agricola de Guatemala) is the largest latifundista in Guatemala, possessing many more caballerias than any colonial gentleman could have dreamed of owning: over 5,000 (roughly 650,000 acres). Less than 8 percent of the total is cultivated.This article can also be found at the Monthly Review website, where most recent articles are published in full. Click here to purchase a PDF version of this article at the Monthly Review website.

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