Magnetic anisotropy of rare-earth—transition-metal compounds

The exchange coupling between rare-earth (R) and transition-metal (T) moments in RxTy compounds is not so large as to hold the R and T moments rigidly parallel (for light rare-earth elements) or antiparallel (for heavy rare-earth elements); ionic magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy can be comparable to this intersublattice exchange. Anisotropy torques and/or an external field can induce canting between the sublattice moments. We show that this canting, even when small, can reduce the macroscopic effective anisotropy by a very large amount—more than an order of magnitude—from the intrinsic sublattice anisotropies. Consideration of the effects of canting reconcile hitherto conflicting reports, by spin-wave scattering and moment measurements, of the magnetic anisotropies of Ho2 Co17 and Ho2 Fe17. One conclusion of our analysis is that since a huge degeneration of macroscopic magnetic anisotropy, and hence of the coercivity, comes from sublattice flexing, it seems to follow that to increase coercivity one should be trying to increase RT exchange; the ionic magnetic anisotropy is already greater than its effective value.