Measurement of the area of the anterior horn of the right lateral ventricle for the diagnosis of brain atrophy by CT

The area of the anterior horn of the right lateral ventricle and five ventricular indices:(1) maximum width of the anterior horns, (2) minimum width of the anterior horns, (3) sum of these maximum and minimum widths, (4) ventricular index, and (5) cella media index were measured from the CT scans of 198 cases considered to be “normal”. The area of the right anterior horn and indices 1–4 were measured on the slice which most clearly showed Monro's foramina and index 5 was measured on the slice 2 cm above. The size of the ventricular system increased steadily with age. The sum of the maximum and minimum widths of the anterior horns was most highly correlated with the area of the right anterior horn. Using this ventricular index, we graded brain “atrophy” in each age group.