T. aestivum var. ‘Chinese Spring’ (monosomic 5B and 5D, respectively) was crossed with S. cereale (with and without B-chromosomes). The resulting nullisomic 5B hybrids exhibited a high degree of chromosome association both at 20°C and 10°C. The presence of B-chromosomes reduced association slightly whether 5B was present or not. In nullisomic 5D hybrids B-chromosomes of rye raise chromosome association at 20°C when compared to hybrids with 5D, with as well as without, B's. At 10°C, due to the absence of the Ltp gene on 5D, chromosome association in nullisomic 5D hybrids is low, and no effects of rye B-chromosomes is detectable. The hypothesis that B-chromosomes of rye carry (an) asynaptic gene(s) decreasing effective pairing, and (an) independent post-synaptic gene(s) increasing chiasma frequency on effective pairing sites, is presented.