Ambulatory Glucose Profile: Representation of Verified Self-Monitored Blood Glucose Data

Sixty-nine individuals with diabetes (23 with type I, 15 with pregestational, and 31 with gestational) used specially modified reflectance meters containing memory chips enabling the instruments to store 440 individual blood glucose values with corresponding time and date. These data were organized into 14-day periods and then collapsed into a graphic depiction, the Ambulatory Glucose Profile (AGP), which was represented as the pattern of the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of blood glucose values. These three curves illustrate the median level of control and provide an index of variability in control at each hour of a “typical day.” We observed distinctive AGPs related to the variability in metabolic control and the type of diabetes. Comparisons between diagnostic groups showed consistent differences between groups, independent of level of glycemic control. Review of serial AGPs obtained for sequential 2-wk periods for 23 non-pregnant individuals with type I diabetes and 10 women with gestational diabetes revealed changes in AGP corresponding to alterations in regimen. The AGP provides a new approach to the evaluation of glycemic control, with applications to patient and physician education, clinical investigation, and individual patient care.

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