Measurement of flow and sampling of digesta in the preruminant calf.

Methods of measuring and sampling the flow of digesta passing through intestinal cannulas in preruminant calves were studied and compared. The effect of collecting digesta from a duodenal cannula on abomasal emptying in a calf given whole milk was determined. When digesta were collected and returned to the duodenum manually in large amounts (about 200 g) the outflow of abomasal contents was intermittent. When digesta were returned to the animal either manually or automatically in amounts of less than about 50 g abomasal emptying was smooth. An automatic apparatus for measuring and sampling the flow of digesta continuously was developed. The device allowed effluent to be returned smoothly to an ingoing cannula at the same rate that digesta left the outgoing cannula. After a feed of whole milk, abomasal contents were observed to enter the duodenum in an orderly series of gushes. Each gush consisted of about 5-30 g of digesta. The apparatus was rearranged to measure the effects of composition of duodenal digesta on abomasal emptying. Replacement of duodenal digesta with a suspension containing heated soybean flour slowed the abomasal outflow of a feed containing casein. Automatic apparatus was used to collect digesta arriving at the distal ileum. Withholding effluent from the large intestine did not affect the movement of digesta from the ileum.