Mysus fragœfolii, n. sp.“Apterous female and larvæ white or faintly yellowish. Eyes dark brown. Antennæ concolorous with body or faintly brownish; apex of the fifth, the sixth and its spur pale dusky. Tarsi dusky, their apex black.“Winged female: slightly more yellow, the head, thoracic lobes and sternal plate blackish brown. Antennæ black; the two basal joints of colour of body, or with a faintly dusky tinge. Legs pale dusky; the terminal third or half of the femora pale dusky; apex of tibiæ and the tarsi black. The abdomen is marked with a small, squarish, dusky spot in front of nectaries. Stigma pale dusky, veins black.” (Theo. Pergande MS.).