This ongoing study evaluates the safety and efficacy of a new minimally invasive sling procedure for treating post-prostatectomy incontinence. A total of 16 men 56 to 74 years old (mean age 67) underwent the procedure using the Straight-In bone anchoring system. Time after prostatectomy was 1.5 to 5 years (mean 2.5). Of the 16 patients 14 had urodynamically confirmed stress urinary incontinence, while 2 had mixed incontinence with stress incontinence and detrusor instability. The procedure is performed with the patient in the lithotomy position using a perineal approach. Four miniature bone screws with pre-attached pairs of No. 1 polypropylene sutures are placed directly into the medial aspect of the inferior rami of the pubic bone. A pair of bone anchors is placed just below the symphysis on each side, and the second pair is inserted 3 to 4 cm. lower. To support the bulbar urethra a gelatin coated polyethylene terephthalate trapezoid shaped sling or cadaveric fascia lata is tied to the pubic bone using the 4 pairs of sutures attached to the bone anchors. Urethral resistance is increased to 30 to 50 cm. water above baseline pressure. Followup was 4 to 20 months (mean 12.2). Of the 14 men with the preoperative urodynamic diagnosis of genuine stress incontinence 12 were cured of incontinence, defined as subjectively dry with no or only 1 pad used daily for security without any episode of leakage, while 2 were improved subjectively with a decrease of 50% or more in pads daily. Two other patients with the preoperative diagnosis of mixed urinary incontinence were improved. Postoperatively urodynamic study in these patients revealed resolved stress incontinence but persistent urge urinary incontinence. They responded to anticholinergics and are completely dry. Intraoperative and postoperative complications were minimal with no erosion, infection or osseous complications. This new minimally invasive male sling procedure is safe and efficacious. Adjusting sling tension by measuring urethral resistance results in a low rate of over correction and failure. Further experience is needed to establish this procedure as treatment for post-prostatectomy incontinence.