Hall Effect and Magnetoresistance in Pure Iron, Lead, Fe-Co, and Fe-Cr Dilute Alloys

Hall effect and transverse and longitudinal magnetoresistances have been measured in polycrystals at 4.2 K and below, in the fields up to 7 T. For pure iron (ρ300ρ4.2=523 and 1993), extrapolation of the Hall angle φH to the high-field limit gives a nonzero value tanφH=(2.2±0.5)×102 in agreement with our theory of asymmetric scattering in compensated metals. A nonzero high field, tanφH=2×102, is also found for pure lead (ρ300ρ1.5=24300) at 1.5 K; this and the nonlinear variation of the Hall resistivity might come from asymmetric scattering by traces of iron impurities known to be present. The Hall-resistivity data for pure iron, dilute Fe-Co, and the iron whiskers of Dheer fall roughly on the same Kohler curve which does not go through the origin. Extrapolation to the low-field limit for Fe-Co gives a nonzero value, tanφH=(1.4±0.2)×102, in agreement with asymmetric scattering theory. Kohler's rule holds very well for the transverse magnetoresistance and the Hall resistivity of the Fe-Co alone. It fails completely for the Hall resistivity of Fe-Cr, which seems dominated by the nonclassical "side-jump" mechanism and not by asymmetric scattering. The value of the side-jump Δy for Cr impurities in iron at 4 K is eight times as large as the usual value for scatterers in iron at 300 K.