Establishment of a continuous somatostatin-producing line of medullary thyroid carcinoma cells from BALB/c mice

A continuous line of somatostatin-producing medullary thyroid carcinoma cells was established from a transplantable tumour in BALB/c mice. Virtually all of the somatostatin immunoreactivity co-chromatographed with somatostatin 14. The tumour cells replicated in spinner cultures with a doubling time of approximately 4 days, and the concentration of somatostatin released into the culture medium increased in proportion to the number of cells. Two-to threefold increases in amounts of stored and released somatostatin were observed after treatment of the cells with bromodeoxyuridine. This cell line might be valuable for studies of somatostatin regulation in normal and neoplastic C-cells, and for other studies of C-cell biology which require a mouse model. J. Endocr. (1986) 110, 309–313