Action of Lithium Chloride on the Isolated Perfused Frog Heart

Intracellular action potentials, indirect ecg and cardiac output were recorded from the isolated perfused frog heart. Effects on these of LiCl in normal frog Ringer''s solution, and in frog Ringer solution low in Na, and low or high in K were seen. Relatively high concentrations of LiCl in Ringer''s medium (67 meq/1 and above) were required to produce electrical and mechanical effects on the heart. The most consistent changes in the menophasic action potential were a short-ended APd and decreased voltage. The ecg cardiogram showed a prolongation of the P-R interval, shortening of the Q-T interval, and alterations in T wave. The mechanical activities namely, cardiac output and heart rate were concomitantly affected (depressed). The modifying effects of Li were more marked in the presence of a low concentration of Na. LiCl did not modify effects initiated by a low or high concentration of K in frog Ringers solution.