The optical-absorption-band shape in the singlet-multiplet electronic transition of an impurity center interacting with the phonons in polar crystals, has been investigated, taking into account that the vibronic system is a Jahn-Teller system. In the model Hamiltonian considered here, the electron has a two-level (one of which is degenerate) structure, and the linear electron-phonon interaction is transient, because it takes place only when the impurity has been excited by the light absorption. The Fourier transform R(t) of the response function has been calculated by resumming all the Feynman diagrams, generated by the linear electron-phonon interaction on the degenerate electronic state, and by considering the point symmetries of the electron. R(t) is found to be an exponential whose argument is a quadratic expression of noncommuting matrices. The path-integration method for a Gaussian functional is then used. The time-dependent behavior of R(t), as well as its contribution to the absorption coefficient, is related to the strength of the electron-phonon interaction. The semiclassical results for the Jahn-Teller splitting of the absorption band are obtained by integrating the Gaussian functional on the path in the short-time limit t0. The "interaction modes" used in the molecular model of the electron-phonon interaction are then found to correspond to the short-time paths of different symmetries in the Gaussian functionals. The origin of the t2 and t3 terms and their effects on the line shape are commented on, as well as the structure coming from the behavior of R(t) in the long-time limit.