Isotope and element distributions of the evaporation residues from fusion of 160 MeVS32withMg24,25,26andAl27

Evaporation residues from fusion reactions induced by 160 MeV S32 on targets of Mg24,25,26 and Al27 were identified by means of a time-of-flight ΔEE detector telescope. Angular distributions were measured in the range from 3° to 16° and total yields were determined as a function of A and Z of the products. The mass distributions of the evaporation residues (summed over Z) show the typical structure arising from the competition between nucleon and α-evaporation in the decay of the highly excited (83 to 90 MeV) compound nuclei, with only little variation between the four systems. It is concluded that the deexcitation mechanism is to a large extent independent of the individual structure of the nuclei in the decay chains. This is also demonstrated by the yield distributions for the individual nuclides, in particular by the similarity of the yield patterns obtained in the NZ plane for the compund nuclie Cu59 and Ni57. The data are reproduced very well by evaporation calculations based on the statistical theory. Effects of nuclear deformations due to the high angular monentum on the shape of the yrast line and on the transmission coefficients for the emitted light particles were included. The influence of shell effects in the level densities at high excitation was studied and found to be negligible above 15 MeV excitation.