Purification and characterization of an allergen from celery immunochemically related to an allergen present in several other plant species. Identification as a profilin

The purification of a 15 kD allergen from celery was obtained by a four step procedure. Evidence for at least two isoallergenic forms was obtained after analysis by two-dimensional-electrophoresis. A rabbit polyclonal antibody raised against this purified allergen allowed us to confirm our precedent results on the occurrence of allergenically and molecular mass-related components in celery and birch and mugwort pollens. In addition such components were also present in numerous other species like Cynodon dactylon, Sorghum halopense, Poa pratensis, Ambrosia elatior and in apple and carrot. The 15 kD allergen was identified as profilin by use of a specific rabbit polyclonal antibody that recognized a recombinant birch profilin. In addition, the purified celery allergen binds IgE from sera of patients allergic to birch profilin. These results reinforce the concept of profilin as a panallergen responsible in some patients for cross-allergic manifestations to various and unrelated species of grasses, weeds, trees, vegetables and fruits.