Treatment of Chronic Salmonella Carriers

Provided a highly effective combined therapy is, and can be, carried out correctly, all excreters can be cured of their chronic carrier state by chemotherapy within 8-12 wk. Although a universal therapeutic regimen for all patients cannot be recommended, a highly effective basic therapy is available for the majority of the cases, needing occasional modification, depending on the specific requirements of the individual patient as shown by the result of the serum activity determination. This method saves the patient from toxic inconveniences caused by inadequate treatment, it shortens the treatment time and makes cholecystectomy superfluous, unless it is considered necessary out of a different indication in which case it should certainly be done. The often expressed view that Salmonella enteritidis excreters cannot be cured, a view which is found even in the most recent manuals, is disputed. The same applies to the view that therapy is not necessary because it would delay cure. It is indispensable to establish a close cooperation between the public health authorities and the private physician.