A comparison of continuous and episodic drinkers using the MCMI, MMPI, and alceval-r

This study was designed to identify clinically meaningful differences between continuous and episodic drinkers who were entering inpatient treatment (N = 125) on the basis of information from intake administrations of the revised Alcohol Evaluation Instrument, the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Separate discriminant analyses based upon (a) the MCMI and ALCEVAL‐R and (b) MMPI and ALCEVAL‐R yielded correct classification rates of 86% and 85%, respectively. Both analyses suggest that continuous drinkers may be characterized by greater confused and disorganized thinking, agitation, and cynicism and distrust in interpersonal relationships than are episodic drinkers. In contrast, episodic drinkers appear to have somewhat more socially conforming attitudes that may inhibit daily social drinking. Despite this, episodic drinking was associated with a higher divorce rate (71% vs. 32%) and less occupational stability.