Physical and gene organization of mitochondrial DNA from the fertile cytoplasm of sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.)

We have constructed a complete physical map of the mitochondrial genome from the male-fertile cytoplasm of sugarbeet. The entire sequence complexity can be represented on a single circular master chromosome of 358 kb. This master chromosome contains three copies of one recombinationally active repeat sequence, with two copies in direct orientation and the other in inverted orientation. The positions of the rRNA genes and of 23 polypeptide genes, determined by filter hybridization, are scattered throughout the genome, with triplicate rrn26 genes located partially or entirely within the recombination-repeat elements. Three ribosomal-protein genes (rps1A, rps14 and rps19) were found to be absent from sugarbeet mtDNA. Our results also reveal that at least six regions homologous with cpDNA are dispersed in the mitochondrial genome.