Anatomical studies were conducted to characterize the source, type, and distribution of parathyroid gland innervation in European starlings. Denervation experiments demonstrated that the parathyroid glands and adjacent carotid bodies are innervated by nerve fibers originating in the nodose ganglion of the vagus nerve. In the parathyroid parenchyma, these fibers terminate adjacent to chief cells or near vascular smooth muscle. Vagal fibers also form synapses with catecholamine‐containing glomus cells of the carotid body. Blood that first perfuses the carotid body subsequently perfuses the parathyroid parenchyma. These observations suggest that vagal innervation may influence parathyroid function in starlings either through direct chief cell innervation or through alteration of vascular perfusion. A neurohemal relationship also may exist between the carotid body and parathyroids.