Influence of Storage on the Composition of Clarified Apple Juice Concentrate

The effect of storage on apple juice concentrate was determined by following changes in composition during a period of 111 days at 37°C. Results showed that storage caused an 87% loss in the total free amino acids, which was mostly due to decreases in glutamic acid, asparagine and aspartic acid. The forml titration method was inadequate for determining the amino compounds involved in Maillard‐type reactions. Sucrose was hydrolyzed under these conditions at a rate corresponding to a fist order process. The reducing sugars increased at a rate determined by the inversion of sucrose; no consumption attributable to browning reaction was detected. Reduction of organic acids was 9% while apparent phenolic compounds increased from 0.149 to 0.215 g/100g. A maximum accumulation of HMF was observed after 100 days of storage.