Analytic calculations of the expectation values of rn, n=2,1,1,2, the kinetic energy, and the charge density at the origin, have been performed for two-electron atoms with nuclear charge Z using a variational principle first proposed by Delves. The trial wave function ψ0T was taken as a product of single-particle hydrogenic states with a single variational parameter Z¯. In each case the complementary function ψ1T was obtained by exactly solving a differential equation relating ψ1T to both ψ0T and the operator whose expectation value was to be calculated. For Z2, the least accurate results obtained are for r2 which are 1.9 and 0.7% lower than the highly accurate values obtained by Pekeris for He and Li+, respectively. In all cases the reduction in the error obtained using a one-parameter wave function given by the variational principle for minimizing the energy increases as Z increases, and the results are, in many cases, comparable to those given by the Hartree-Fock treatment. A condition proposed by Aranoff and Percus involving the minimization of an auxiliary expression was used to renormalize ψ1T. This method left unchanged or improved the results for all cases considered.

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