Real-Time Monitoring of Intracellular mRNA Hybridization Inside Single Living Cells

A molecular beacon, an oligonucleotide probe with inherent signal transduction mechanisms, is an optimal tool for visualizing real-time mRNA hybridization in single living cells. Each molecular beacon (MB) consists of a single-stranded DNA molecule in a stem-loop conformation with a fluorophore linked to the 5' end and a quencher at the 3' end. In this study, we demonstrate real-time monitoring of mRNA-DNA hybridization inside living cells using molecular beacons. A MB specific for beta-actin mRNA has been designed and synthesized. After microinjection into the cytoplasm of single living kangaroo rat kidney cells (PtK2 cells), the MB hybridizes with beta-actin mRNA as shown by fluorescence measurements over time. Hybridization dynamics have been followed. Strict control experiments have been carried out to confirm that the fluorescence signal increase is indeed due to the hybridization of mRNA inside single living cells. Variation in the MB/mRNA hybridization fluorescent signal has been observed for different PtK2 cells, which indicates the amount of mRNA in different cells is different. We have also monitored the beta-1 andrenergic receptor mRNA inside the PtK2 cells. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of using MBs and the ultrasensitivity achieved in our fluorescence imaging system for real-time detection of mRNA hybridization and for the visualization of oligonucleotide/mRNA interactions inside single living cells.