Liver Haemodynamics and Age.

Changes in liver haemodynamics and their relationship to age was examined in 3 groups of white male rats, of different weight, fed a standard diet and kept under identical conditions. The parameters examined were hepatic blood flow per gram liver tissue and per hundred gram body weight, vascular space of the liver and portal vein pressure values. Hepatic blood flow was estimated as the rate of removal of radioactive colloid from the peripheral blood by the reticulo-endothelial system of the liver. Heat denaturated iodine 131 labeled, human serum albumin was used as described by Benaceraff. The vascular space was determined as described by Klein and estimated as the amount of hemoglobin present in a gram of liver tissue and portal blood pressure was measured by a water manometer directly into the portal vein or in one of the branches of the mesenteric vein. The results obtained indicate that the pattern of liver circulation in the rat is varying in relation to age. Hepatic blood flow decreased as the age of the animal increased and was not dependent on changes in vascular space and portal blood pressure values. The vascular space was higher in the middle aged group and portal vein blood pressures were unaffected by variations in age.