Dietary intake exposure to sulphites in Italy - analytical determination of sulphite-containing foods and their combination into standard meals for adults and children

The theoretical risk of exceeding the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for sulphites has mostly been examined on the basis of a worst-case scenario. In order to examine the real situation the determination of residue sulphite levels in ready-to-consume foods is required. The aim of this paper is to assess the actual sulphite content of diets obtained from a combination of realistic meals high in sulphite-containing foods. Food products available in Italy containing added sulphites were identified. Overall, 211 samples of foods and beverages (including 85 samples of wine) were collected. The determination of sulphite residues was carried out on the foods which were prepared according to normal domestic practice. It was shown that the diets obtained from these foods would lead to an intake of 23mg/day in children and 50mg/day in adults (both slightly above the ADI for respectively a 30kg child and a 60kg adult). Among all sulphite-containing foods, the highest contributors to the intake were dried fruit and wine, both ingested without further treatment. The analysis of specific consumption data confirmed the existence of a risk of exceeding the ADI related to sulphite residue levels in wine.