Accurate Mass Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry on Quadrupole Orthogonal Acceleration Time-of-Flight Mass Analyzers Using Switching between Separate Sample and Reference Sprays. 2. Applications Using the Dual-Electrospray Ion Source

A new electrospray dual sprayer, LockSpray, was developed for accurate mass measurements on a quadrupole orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer (oa-Q-ToF). With the dual-sprayer ion source, both sprays are orthogonal to each other. A mechanism similar to the one employed on the multiplexed electrospray source (MUX) allows switching between reference and sample sprayer. The reference sprayer is optimized for low flow rates, whereas the sample sprayer is a conventional Z-spray type sprayer. Earlier work using a modified MUX ion source on an orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight instrument showed promising results. In this paper, examples obtained with the LockSpray, specifically designed for accurate mass measurements on an oa-Q-ToF, are presented. The examples include results obtained for the identification of impurities in drug substances such as cimetidine and rosiglitazone, using accurate mass tandem mass spectrometry in both positive and negative ion electrospray modes. Good mass accuracies, i.e., within 2 mDa of the theoretical value, were obtained in MS and MS/MS operation.

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