Assessment of Baroreceptor Reflex Function During Mental Stress and Relaxation

This paper describes a method of measuring baroreceptor cardiac reflex sensitivity noninvasively from spontaneous patterns of blood pressure and interbeat interval, and the application of this technique in psychophysiology. Baroreflex function was assessed in 24 female volunteers during relaxation and performance of the cold pressor test and a non-verbal mental arithematic task. Blood pressure and interbeat interval were monitored continuously from the finger using the vascular unloading technique. Sequences of three or more cardiac cycles were identified over which systolic blood pressure increased progressively in conjunction with lengthening interbeat interval, or systolic blood pressure decreased as interbeat interval was reduced. The regression between systolic blood pressure and interbeat interval was computed as an index of baroreflex sensitivity. Relaxation was associated with a small prolongation of interbeat interval, whereas baroreflex sensitivity increased from 17.1 to 19.8 ms/mm Hg. Baroreflex sensitivity was reduced significantly during mental arithmetic (mean 14.2 ms/mm Hg) but not during the cold pressor test (mean 17.4 ms/mm Hg). The difference between mental arithmetic and the cold pressor test may be related to the relative intensity of cardiac and vascular responses in the two situations. The implications of these results for the understanding of behavioural influences on haemodynamic function are discussed and the advantages of noninvasive methods are considered.