Magnetic Susceptibility of Cerous Magnesium Nitrate

The most striking features of the behavior of cerous magnesium nitrate at liquid helium temperatures—extremely anisotropic susceptibility with gII0, a large temperature-independent term in χ, the spin-lattice relaxation time varying as the twelfth or higher power of T in the region of 2°K—have until very recently received no detailed explanation. A measurement of χ between 4° and 300°K was undertaken to elicit information on the energies of the excited doublets within the J=52 ground multiplet, and thus to provide a guide for the reassessment of the crystal field parameters. We find δ1 and δ2 to be 30 and (roughly) 200 cm1, respectively, in contrast to the 113 and 150 cm1 of existing theory. The results are at variance with the published data for χ above 85°K, but are in fairly good agreement with the recent findings of Leask and Wolf at low temperatures.

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