A comparison of ULF fluctuations in the solar wind, magnetosheath, and dayside magnetosphere: 1. Magnetosheath morphology

“Upstream waves,” generated in the solar wind upstream of a quasi‐parallel bow shook, are believed to be a major source of the Pc 3‐4 pulsation activity observed in the dayside magnetosphere. In an attempt to better understand the means by which “upstream wave” energy is transmitted from the solar wind into the magnetosphere, we compared simultaneous data from ISEE 1 and 2 in the upstream solar wind, AMPTE IRM in the subsolar magnetosheath, and AMPTE CCE in the dayside magnetosphere. Our observations indicate that dayside magnetospheric Pc 3‐4 pulsation activity and low IMF cone angles are associated with increased turbulence in the subsolar magnetosheath magnetic field (with large amplitude fluctuations both parallel and transverse to the average field direction), and with increased and highly variable levels of energetic magnetosheath particles. Fourier analysis of the magnetic field fluctuations shows broadband increases in wave power from 0.01 Hz to at least 0.5 Hz, but with peak power at Pc 3‐4 frequencies; there is no evidence in our data set of narrow‐band magnetic field variations in the magnetosheath at these times. Purely compressional waves, which are at times observed in the subsolar magnetosheath, have a somewhat narrower frequency distribution, but are associated with neither upstream wave activity nor magnetospheric pulsations.