Concentration and total amount of amylase in parotid glands of adult rats were not altered by sympathectomy but were drastically reduced from control levels by 2 weeks after resection of the auriculotemporal nerve (45%), complete postganglionic denervation (56%), or maintenance of rats on liquid diet (90%). Reduction in gland weight and size of acinar cells was also marked in all cases, except with sympathectomy where these changes were minimal. Concentration of amylase in pilocarpine-evoked secretions was reduced markedly from control levels (from approximately 220 mg/mg to 30-80 mg/mg), but the decrease with sympathectomy was not related to decreased gland amylase as it was in all other conditions here examined. [K+] [potassium] of saliva was elevated in all conditions except sympathectomy; [Na+] [sodium], however, showed no significant changes. The data indicate that the sympathetic innervation exerts a small influence on gland structure. Furthermore, function of the gland is less drastically affected by sympathectomy than by parasympathectomy, and trophic influences from either autonomic branch on structure and function appear to be minimal,.