We have developed a new anisotropic dry etching technique for GaAs that results in etched surfaces of sufficient quality for many device applications. In this technique a chemically reactive gas from a jet and an ion beam from a Kaufman ion source are directed on the sample surface. We have termed this technique ion beam assisted etching (IBAE) since the chemically reactive species is assisted by the independently controlled energetic ions. This method has produced anisotropically etched patterns with periods as small as 3200 Å with easily attainable aspect ratios of 10:1. Schottky barrier diodes fabricated on the etched GaAs surfaces have diode ideality factors as low as 1.06 and deep level transient spectroscopy measurements indicate that near the surface trap densities are less than 1×1015 cm−3. This would indicate that devices that depend on a high quality Schottky barrier such as field effect transistors or permeable base transistors can be fabricated on an etched surface.