We determine the complete and rigorous kernel of the Wheeler - DeWitt constraint operator for four-dimensional, Lorentzian, non-perturbative, canonical vacuum quantum gravity in the continuum. We do this for the non-symmetric version of the operator constructed previously in this series. We also construct a symmetric, regulated constraint operator. For the regulated Euclidean Wheeler - DeWitt operator as well as for the regulated generator of the Wick transform from the Euclidean to the Lorentzian regime we prove existence of self-adjoint extensions and based on these we propose a method of proof of self-adjoint extensions for the regulated Lorentzian operator. Both constraint operators evaluated at unit lapse as well as the generator of the Wick transform can be shown to have regulator-independent and symmetric duals on the diffeomorphism-invariant Hilbert space. Finally, we comment on the status of the Wick rotation transform in the light of the present results and give an intuitive description of the action of the Hamiltonian constraint.
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