0‐group plaice were caught in Red Wharf Bay, Anglesey, North Wales, tagged with coloured liquid latex, and released in the bay or, after transplantation, at a position on a sandbank 3–5 km offshore. The pattern of movement shown by recaptures of plaice caught and released at the same position in the bay was one of extremely restricted movement of less than 0–5 km over several months, with only a slight interchange of fish between the sides of the bay and the centre. These restricted movements contrasted sharply with relatively long distances travelled by fish displaced to an unusual depth and position offshore and to a position at the other side of the bay 3 km away. In the first case a high proportion returned rapidly to the usual depth preference inshore and in the second a recapture pattern significantly different from that of control fish was demonstrated. Both results indicated a return to a preferred or familiar situation.