Experimental infection with Treponema hyodysenteriae in guinea pigs

Outbred and inbred (Hartley strain) guinea pigs (GP) were inoculated intragastrically with pathogenic and nonpathogenic T. hyodysenteriae. GP 3-16 wk old received T. hyodysenteriae after a fasting period of 36-72 h. Infected GP with pathogenic T. hyodysenteriae developed a diarrheal and/or depressive condition, with mucus but not blood in the feces. Of 88 GP, 40 had gross lesions resembling those of swine dysentery. Lesions were limited mainly to the large intestine. GP used as controls or inoculated with nonpathogenic T. hyodysenteriae did not develop these lesions in the large intestine. These studies suggest that the GP may be used as an animal model for swine dysentery.