Unilateral Versus Bilateral Ect in Schizophrenia

Electroconvulsive therapy with unilateral electrode placement has been tried most often in depressive disorders (Abrams and de Vito, 1969; Cannicott, 1962; Cannicott and Waggoner, 1967; Costello et al., 1970; d'Elia, 1970; Fleminger et al., 1970; Levy, 1968; Martin et al., 1965; Strain et al., 1968; Valentine et al., 1968; Zinkin and Birtchnell, 1968; Lancaster et al., 1958), although Lancaster (op. cit.) noted that it was as effective as bilateral ECT in relieving certain other psychotic symptoms, such as catatonia, stupor and hallucinations. This paper reports the comparative results in schizophrenia of bilaterally administered ECT and of ECT administered unilaterally to either the dominant or the non-dominant hemisphere.

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