Phenotypic and Genetic Relationships between Type Classification Traits in Jerseys

Heritabilities were estimated for 15 American Jersey Cattle Club type traits from 4539 daughter-dam pairs. Estimates for final score, general appearance, dairy character, body capacity and mammary system were given. Stature had the highest heritability at .43. Heritabilities for legs, suspensory ligament and breed character were lowest at .09, .11 and .12, respectively. Genetic correlations were positive between most type traits. Final score was correlated highly genetically with major categories general appearance dairy character, body capacity and mammary system and with the other subtraits. Selection for improvement in final score should enhance all traits in the type classification program. Phenotypic correlations were positive between all pairs of traits. Final score was correlated with major categories general appearance, dairy character, body capacity and mammary system. Final score was correlated with the other components. General appearance and mammary system received more emphasis than specified on the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association''s official scorecard.