Crystalline corticosterone. desoxycorticosterone (D. C. S.) and commercial adrenal cortex extract were tested for their effect on capillary permeability according to Menkin''s "leukotaxin" method. Corticosterone as well as adrenal cortex extract prevented the action of leukotaxin in increasing the permeability of capillaries. D. C. S. did not do this but actually often produced a slight increase in capillary permeability by itself. These results might explain, in part, the different responses elicited by these preps. in protecting animals against the circulatory failure of various types of secondary shock. Estrone, stil-bestrol and progesterone were similarly tested. These substances not only failed to prevent the leukotaxin effect but produced an increase in capillary permeability when administered alone. The responses were not due to the local liberation of acetylcholine. The ability of steroids to maintain the life of adrenalectomized animals is evidently not necessarily related to their effects on capillary permeability.

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