On the basis of differential cultivar reactions, 14 sugar beet [Beta vulgaris] isolates of C. beticola from California, Colorado, Maryland and Texas [USA] were classified as either physiological race C1 or C2. Race C2 occurred in California and Maryland, and race C1 was collected from all 4 states. Although the races could not be distinguished by morphological or cultural characteristics, there were large differences among isolates in length of conidia and conidiophores. Isolates reacted differentially on water agar, sugar beet leaf extract agar and sugar beet leaves. In some cases, conidia and conidiophores lengths were longer on one medium than on another; on other media they were shorter. There was a highly significant isolate .times. growth media interaction. Generally race C2 isolates were more aggressive on the susceptible cultivar than were race C1 isolates.

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