Standardized Evaluation of Erectile Dysfunction in 95 Consecutive Patients

We investigated 95 patients referred for erectile dysfunction by penile blood pressure measurement, the intracavernous papaverine test and Doppler investigation of the penile arteries. Furthermore, penile cutaneous perception threshold, bulbocavernosus reflex latency and somatosensory cortical evoked potentials of the pudendal nerve were measured. In selected cases cavernosometry, cavernosography and corpus cavernosum electromyography were performed. Doppler investigation of the cavernous arteries after papaverine injection was more reliable than penile blood pressure measurement in the diagnosis of arteriogenic erectile dysfunction. Decreased sensibility of the penis may be the sole factor responsible for inability to sustain an erection. Erectile dysfunction may be provoked by impaired function of the pudendal nerve. Penile cutaneous perception threshold measurement and corpus cavernosum electromyography are mandatory in the evaluation of neurogenic etiology. Cavernosometry and cavernosography are reliable methods in the determination of abnormal drainage from the corpus cavernosum.