Inhibition of thyrotropin and prolactin secretion by dopamine in man

The effect of dopamine on thyrotropin (TSH) and prolactin (PRL) levels was studied in 5 normal subjects, 7 women with galactorrhea, 9 acromegalics and 4 patients with primary hypothyroidism. Dopamine infused at the rate of 280 μg/min produced significant decrease in plasma TSH and PRL levels in all four groups, though a lower fall in TSH was noted in acromegalics. A similar reduction in PRL was also noted after 28 μg/min dopamine. Phentolamine infusion (0.5 mg/min) had no effect on PRL response to dopamine. These results indicate that a dopaminergic stimulation led to an inhibition of TSH and PRL secretion. Since the high polarity of dopamine impedes its passage through the blood-brain barrier, its site of action should be outside this barrier, probably in the pituitary.