Cells capable of transferring immunity toTrichinella spiralis, i.e. of accelerating adult worm expulsion, were present in the mesenteric lymph nodes of mice infected for 4, 6 or 8 days, but not in mice infected for only 2 days. The time-course of worm expulsion in mice infected on the day of transfer was similar in recipients of day 8 cells, expulsion becoming marked only when the recipients had been infected for at least 6 days. Transfer of cells 4 or 6 days after infection did not result in an accelerated worm expulsion; transfer 1 or 2 weeks before infection did not enhance the level of immunity in recipient mice. In contrast to the results obtained with mesenteric lymph node cells (MLNC) no immunity was trsnsferred when recipients were given spleen cells taken from donors infected for 8 days. It is suggested that MLNC do not cause worm expulsion directly, but cooperate with another component of the host's defence mechanism. Accelerated expulsion in recipients of cells was accompanied by a premature decline in fecundity of female worms. Evidence is presented to show that worm expulsion and impaired reproduction may represent independent aspects of the immune response toT. spiralis.